
Where is your body taking you?


My Philosophy

The human body, by far, is the most magnificent and intricate work of art, yet also the most fragile. No one body is alike, and no one body reacts to the same stimuli identically. The human body can eloquently express words that our mouths simply cannot.


At its best, the human body can perform an innumerable number of tasks with such ease and grace. When the body has taken the bumps, bruises and unexpected that life has to offer, we slowly start to weaken the sole base of our existence.

Many of the clients I see, have failed with other forms of care in the past and have been shuffled from one doctor, therapist, or practitioner to another. The frustration and hopelessness this creates adds just one more barrier to recovery. By approaching the body in its entirety, and not just a collection of systems, I have been able to help my clients in restoring their body’s natural capabilities.

There are a few foundational principles that I utilize in my treatment approach:

"Reset. Readjust. Realign. Refocus. Restart"

There needs to be a consistent approach to the treatment you receive to make sure your body responds. When a problem has been in place for a long time, other parts of the body can become involved creating a chain of dysfunction. You can’t throw a bunch of random tricks or techniques at a problem and hope for a good result. Taking a structured approach yields consistent results, and helps to guide the process.

“Make Space for change”

Whether it’s mental, emotional, or physical restrictions, the key to removing limitations is by creating windows of opportunity for change to happen. Being in a calm, welcoming space. Feeling uninhibited to express your emotions. Providing non-threatening input to your body to allow your nervous system to quiet and relax. I believe in creating an environment and experience that allows what is needed or wanted to come in.

"Cannot force your will upon the body"

How your body responds to treatment ultimately determines how sessions flow. There is no one-size fits all approach or “standard” treatment that I offer. Each person’s unique situation and needs dictates what is needed and what your body will accept. Trying to force change before the body is ready is like trying to run a marathon without any previous experience…problems will inevitably arise. Years of caring for clients with a wide-range of health issues has provided me with an intuitive approach to finding the path of least resistance to effect massive change.

“You are the Captain of your own ship”

The pathway to better health is in your control. What interventions are used and how the treatment flows is a decision that will come from both you and the practitioner. No decision is made without your consent and input. Being an empowered patient is critical for your success.


“We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same.”

- Carlos Castaneda


What Is The Treatment Experience?


Is it massage? Is it acupuncture? What are you doing to me?

My treatment approach uses hands-on manual therapy, acupuncture, cupping, and other soft tissue manipulation techniques. The choice of which method to use comes down to each patient’s needs and what we agree is the best course of action to take.

Most of the time it is not just a spot treatment because when many clients finally make it to me for a chronic issue, it's already woven a web that often involves at least two other parts of the body. Neck pain is no longer just coming from the neck. Back pain is now causing your body to shift and compensate. In those cases, the initial treatment is to clear those other areas using acupuncture and manual work to create a space for change and addressing the core problem.

It’s not unusual for patients to have strong emotional responses during treatment when pent up tension and stress is released. It’s also not unusual for patients to report feeling no immediate difference after a treatment, and then noticing delayed improvements in their pain, movement, or mindset several days later. The body has its own language and will change at its own pace and in its own way. Although it would be great to fix everything in one treatment (and maybe we’ll get there one day) it generally requires a few treatments to experience sustained improvements.



Acupuncture uses thin needles placed at specific points in the body to promote the body’s natural healing abilities. Pain and dysfunction are resolved by reducing tension, improving blood flow, and restoring the normal function of the body’s systems.


Myofascial Release

More than just massage, myofascial release works to reduce tension and dysfunction along the connective tissue lines between muscles, nerves, and bones.



Using suction between a glass or plastic cup and the skin, cupping helps reduce pain and inflammation, and promotes relaxation and mobility through enhanced blood flow between the skin and deeper soft tissue.




By adding a small electric current to a standard acupuncture treatment, electroacupunture can treat larger areas of pain or dysfunction.


Conditions Treated


Sports Injuries

Muscle strains

Ligament sprains

Hematomas (bruising)


Accelerated recovery

Orthopedic Issues

TMJ pain/dysfunction

Neck pain

Shoulder pain

(Rotator cuff, impingement, labral tear)


Low back pain

Hip pain


Knee pain

(Patellar pain/tendonitis, instability)

Ankle and Foot

(Plantar fasciitis, bunions)

Chronic pain


Postural and Muscle Imbalances


Stress-related Issues

(headaches, migraines)


Don’t see your issue listed?

Please feel free to contact me for a free phone consultation to determine what benefit you may be able to achieve